RFID vs Drones for Asset Tracking

March 10, 2022


Asset tracking is the process of monitoring and managing physical assets throughout their lifecycle, from acquisition to disposal. In recent years, RFID technology and drones have emerged as two popular methods of asset tracking. In this blog post, we will compare RFID and drones for asset tracking, and help you understand the pros and cons of each technology.

RFID Technology

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a wireless technology that uses radio waves to identify and track objects. RFID consists of three main components: a tag, a reader, and software. The tag is attached to the object being tracked, the reader is used to read the information from the tag, and the software is used to store and manage the data.

Pros of RFID Technology

  1. Accuracy: RFID technology provides high accuracy in tracking assets, with an error rate of less than 1%.

  2. Cost-effective: RFID tags are cost-effective and can be reused, making RFID technology an affordable solution for asset tracking.

  3. Low maintenance: RFID tags require low maintenance and have a long lifespan of up to 20 years.

Cons of RFID Technology

  1. Limited range: RFID tags have a limited range of up to 10 meters, which may not be sufficient for large facilities or outdoor areas.

  2. Line-of-sight: RFID tags require a direct line of sight with the reader, which may cause difficulties in tracking assets in inventory stored on high shelves or in crowded environments.

  3. Interference: RFID technology may be affected by interference from other wireless devices or metal objects.


Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with cameras and sensors that allow them to gather data on the location and movement of objects. Drones are becoming more common in asset tracking due to their ability to cover extensive areas quickly and provide real-time data.

Pros of Drones

  1. Wide range: Drones can fly over large areas and provide real-time data on the location and movement of assets.

  2. Speed: Drones are fast, increasing the speed of asset tracking, and reducing the time required for physically counting inventory.

  3. Easy access: Drones can access areas that are difficult or dangerous for humans to reach.

Cons of Drones

  1. High cost: Drones can be expensive to purchase and operate, making them less affordable for small businesses.

  2. Weather limitations: Drones may be limited by weather conditions such as strong winds, rain, and snow, which may reduce their effectiveness.

  3. Complexity: Drones require skilled operators and specialized software, which may be challenging for some businesses to implement.


In conclusion, both RFID technology and drones have their pros and cons. RFID technology is an accurate and cost-effective solution for asset tracking, but its limited range and line-of-sight requirements may be a challenge. Drones offer wide range and speed for asset tracking but may be expensive and complex to operate. Ultimately, the choice between RFID technology and drones for asset tracking depends on the specific needs and budget of your business.


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